
What students & family's say about us

all reviews are pose as they are said and as they rated all written reviews are post as given
(why would i allow negative reviews? honesty why Karen reviews? so you see the real reasons they make bad reviews)

Cloud sealben


he's my owner & headmaster at the same time, wow, he plays fetch, walks me every day around school property, i get to say hi to EVERYONE its so cool, sniff all the cats. but bestest i never seen a unhappy student here. but thats my puppy view of it all woof woof (if you cant tell this is a joke review)

Malachy Murphy


i transferred my kid to there school and never looked back. he had angry outbursts, was dripping grades, bullied, and has OCD. we came to the school. the headmaster was so friendly and understanding of him. showed us around & told me what to expect with his issues. they keep me up to date on progress, tell me right away when there is a issue. 

I'm happy we did the switch.

Pegeen O'Ryan


I will try and keep this simple and short, there AWSOME.
My child seems to learn best by watching, some subjects by doing, not many by readying or the "copy-spew what you copied" method.
They are not one size fits all. he was falling behind some subjects and thriving in others till we started him with HSEE.
Now he's in secondary thriving in all his subjects and he's enjoying school now.

Nuala O'Connell


i kind of like they still teach Latin! teach real languages and fictional to! great subjects. kind of cool themes. uniforms are snappy and sharp, FOOD IS AMAZING! subjects are well taught, if you don't get something ask and theory help you get it. staff is very knowledgeable.

the headmaster is NOT afraid to yell at your sorry butt when you need yelled at,(trust me growing up i did and better for it now) there friendly and kind. but tough when they got to be on you. 

there not your friend, there not your parent, there not your teacher. there all 3 and then some.

Peadar Ó Cuillinn


my entire family has gone to this school ever since 1600's ever generation. i have 4 siblings. counting me thats 5 of us to pay for. 3 of them gone without issues. when it came to my time and my youngest to start going, my family could not afford it. the headmaster offered grants and assistance with there programs to help us where we could not pay and supplies and helped all of us finish our years with them. 

now after there collage programs and collage+ i got a awesome job now and helping the youngest finish and prep for collage and work now. 

they give such high quality education i haven't seen anywhere else.

mary Mayo


my mom is nuts, I'm over 18 so making my own review. think school is cool, themes are awesome. plus still catholic and open and welcoming to others religious views and traditions to. I'm going to be continuing for there collage. its cool having freedoms and awesome education at the same time.

I'm just glad I'm not entitled. i seen some kids start out that way here but mellow out and change over time, just saying

Emery Mayo


there themes are based on hp, narnia, middle-earth, trek, something else weird and colorful focusing on HEALTHY junk and stuff. omg worse thing i ever done sending my kid to school my kid HATES it, i hate it. im TRYING to teach how to be a proper person.
the headmaster was RUDE to me, i said my child needs yoga twice a day EXACTLY at 5am and 5pm SHARP
i said my child is required to have LUNCH with me for 2 hours EXACTLY 2 hours not counting time before and after for travel
my child will NOT have sports and gym
my child will NOT be subject to there gross healthy food
AND i have full visiting rights 24/7 and can take her out for girls night at any time mon-fri from 6pm to 11pm
plus party's every saterday from 12pm to 4am AND i have to be allowed with my girls with drinks.
he was so rude he stood up, asked my DAUGHTER to leave. LEAVE and then called me a KAREN and said no and i can LEAVE and not welcome back.

he talked to my CHILD MY CHILD DIRTFACES and determined she was ok to still join if she wanted cuz she is nit QUOTE "A CRAZY entitled KAREN with a handful of screws short of having INTELAGENTS" RUDE. THEY SHOULD WORK WITH HER NEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O >_<

Parth Neled


OK I'm giving a funny picture so hope they include the "Karen". so, I'm only giving it 3 stars here. why. DWARVES. dwarves dwarves DWAAAARVES. DWARVES. i have to sit in class next to them THE RIP IT RIGHT THERE IT SMEEEELLS TO BAAAAD. can i BREATH please in classes? other then how they don't separate everyone into there groups unless its group only related classes. OMG why cant we, i know I'm being bit KAREN but please at least keep the DWARVES from rest of us.

Amber Woolnar


I honestly started in SL only, then got option to go to there location, it was a amazing decision. everyone sl and rl are amazing and likeable. staff care about me and my learning. they help with issues, and there not one type for all style learning. its pretty cool. only wish it was more wide spread like all over the world rl wise