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Learn more via our FAQ 

and see bellow for link to send me a question you don't see answered here

Frequently Asked Questions SL(RL must be found via RL)

Do you accept special needs?

Yes, we do!  the staff works with special needs RL with many types of disabilities. SL wise if you/they can use SL on your/their own we do allow you/them to be a full student just like any other student. 

How much does it cost?

L$500 per year nonboarding, the year consists of 2 terms per year. the L$500 pays for uniforms, all classes, and RP meals. extras such as instrument backpack, lunch bag, hud, etc are up to the child/Child's family
L$1000 per year boarding adds the above L$500 + boarding, bed, additional RP meals, additional RP after hours, RP sleep before logging for night/going elsewhere to do something else on SL

What primary services do you offer?

we teach education classes plus extra education that exceeds standard and most private education schools both RL and SL.
standard classes like math and history additional standards like art and music
to extras like cooking, job training, scouts, swim and beyond be it SL wise

What are your terms and conditions?

wear the uniforms unless a nonuniform day.
special uniforms for events and trips.
no inappropriate groups, pictures, or links to inappropriate websites.
hair coloring allowed,
jewelry appropriate allowed unless can be caught on something if it can RL its not allowed SL,
tattoos appropriate or cultural allowed.
not required to take part in the specials events or awareness days but encouraged 
no swearing or foul language
only approved supply's 

Is any free time?

we Encourage all our students to be sure they have free time every day. to do fun activity's, relax, music time, read or just sit and think. early in the process of boarding especially there first year doing so we do have some extra required activity's to help them settle but also counseling, support or other needs for them to be comfortable sleeping the night in school boarding. we extend the same or similar to SL boarding.

Is there compulsory?

yes and no. no we don't generally depend on what it is. if there's a section of style they signed under that comes with classes and skills that are included. sports-wise we don't force ANY sports activity on students.

the only requirement for extra activities is in early boarding days when it's new especially their first year boarding to help them adjust. councilors and supportive staff are always on hand for first-time boarders